Monday, March 26, 2007


This poem was written for a friend...
The intention was to write a poem which conveyed what she meant to all of us and suchlike sentimentality...
However, I realised that I was not one among those who could express such sentiments in poesy. Happy, sentimental, heart-warming poems written by poets, I admire and envy, for the bitter, mordant cynic in me has ceased to be able to write such poems... Pity


When oft we be lost in thought idle,
Reminiscing of days long bygone,
Or with weary brow, we brave a smile,
To face tribulations yet unborn.

The mind is thrown by torrents of gale,
Through raging winds, amidst dreadful storms,
Or to tender rain on beaches gold,
Memories fleet by in different forms.

Secretly untracked by conscious mind,
Slipping through rational defence and guard,
They assail our mind, negate other thought,
Though hard we may try to keep them barred.

Piercing mists of time unyielding, firm,
Reliving days o innocent joy,
Ephemeral glimpses of ecstasy,
Which time’s momentum would soon destroy.

Thoughts phase to darker, more troubled times,
Memories tougher than endurance,
On sanity’s summit, edge of dying hope,
Thoughts then futile now fond smile befriends.

Ponder we might on both alike,
Be lost in time’s deceitful mires,
Behind lay memories, cherished, loved,
Ahead fate’s furnace, testing fires.

Though fortune and mercurial fate,
Conspire to quench aspiring thirst,
Strong we will stand, with steely resolve,
Eternity’s minions do their worst.

And if ever will falter or mind unsure,
While hurdles you uncertainly face,
Permit a glance alongside at us,
Be with you, for you, by you always.

Worthy treasures we share beyond account,
Of days past and hopes yet to fulfil,
Wishful sighs self-envy accompany,
If but damn time would once stand still…

Though forest entire be unrooted,
Mocking fate, would always stand one tree,
Through joy and sorrow, colour and grey,
Together, ever with you, we’ll be.

We’ll be there for you,
When the rain starts to pour,
We’ll be there for you,
Like we’ve been there before,
We’ll be there for you,
Cause you’ve been there for us too….

- Thriddas Anorak


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