Monday, January 01, 2007

Resolutions for the Year anew

2007. The year where the fates play havoc and have me attempt choice few of the toughest examinations that could probably have been designed by the criminally devious. My English needs improvement. Need to stress more upon making sense as opposed to sounding abstruse and complicated (simple word Yay!!)

Have decided to swear less

Also to be less blunt (more sharp does not actually convey the same, though any professor of the English language or of Mathematics would probably expect two negatives to make a positive, yeah Right)

Have resolved to avoid overuse of cliches

Have considered trying to not be two different, blend in and join the thralls who revel with the mob. Get rid of superiority complex and try to not to be not normal.

(The last two may seem to be a tad bit contradictory, but they aren't)

Observant readers would have noticed the clear avoidance of repetition of nouns and adjectives, must stop kidding myself. Vocabulary too limited to attempt such feats. Hence will repeat words henceforth.

Have decided to stop wasting time playing on comp, must study, blah blah

Have decided to find more creative spouts to let out boredom eg. blogging

Must remember to not be too moody / self-analytical / analytical in general.

Must not think of world / universe / abnormal (not ordinary) stuff

Study Harder
This blog will be editted regularly

Will be publishing poems soon (Check earlier post)


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